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GALLERY: 1752 / DATE: Oct 17 2023 / IMAGES: 66 / VIDEOS: 1

This is Part-2 of a video discussing the new Silencilicone silicone gags on the market which are gaining popularity worldwide. Elise Graves and Kino Payne and I created this video in a effort to share information about the wide selection of sizes and variations these gags come in. Part-1 of this video is available in a prior update on the site, and shows the variations of gags, and this video (Part-2) shows some of the gags in use.

I consider these gags to be part of the 'next generation' of kink and fetish products on the market. With the availability of computer aided 3D printing, these gags and other BDSM products are starting to appear on the market. Whereas leather, rubber and metal have been the traditional materials of kinksters, along came neoprene, and now we can ad silicone and printable plastics to the list.

A special thanks to Elise Graves and Kink Payne for helping to create this fun video. Visit Silencilicone on Etsy for ordering these new gags. Tell'em you saw their gags on SeriousImages.com!


GALLERY: 1751 / DATE: Oct 17 2023 / IMAGES: 23 / VIDEOS: 1

This is Part-1 of a two part video which Elise, Kino and I shot recently demonstrating the new Silencilicone silicone gags on Etsy. These gags are gaining popularity quickly, and since they are available in a number of sizes and options we decided to shoot this informational video as a guide. It's tricky to purchase the right gag, so hopefully this video will help.

Part-1 talks about the various sizes and options, and Part-2 shows us trying out the gags in various ways and positions. These silicone gags are available in five sizes - extra-small, small, medium, large, extra-large, and there are five or so variations of each size - basic, breathing tube, ball-gag, ball-gag with steel shackle, ball-gag with steel ring, etc. There's a lot of stuff to think about.

Most people say that they can accommodate a slightly larger or smaller gag in their mouth, so I think if you order one or two sizes from the exact gag for your mouth the gag will still fit you. A special thanks to Elise Graves and KinkPayne for helping create this video. Check out the gags on Etsy at Silencilicone.


GALLERY: 1634 / DATE: Oct 3 2023 / IMAGES: 16 / VIDEOS: 4

This is a highly unique video from the archives featuring JG-Leathers and Mistress Gwen. JG is along in years now, and is not playing as much as he used to. He's downsizing his gear collection and enjoying his retirement by traveling with his wife. On the other hand, Gwen is still playing and maintains her playroom in Minnesota. Both of these people are serious kinksters and bondage players, and have made their mark in the history of BDSM.

We were lucky to have both of them visit the SeriousBondage Institute at the same time, and shot this 4-part video to document all the gear that JG travels with. When JG comes for a visit, he brings two or three heavy suitcases filled with gear in case he has the opportunity to play. JG usually drives his van down to San Francisco from Vancouver Canada, which allows him to bring as much gear as he likes.

In this video JG shows Gwen and our camera some of the gear he travels with. JG has some unique bondage toys, some of which he makes himself. JG is quite a kinky inventor. His motto is 'horniness is the mother of invention'. Ha ha! Funny and so true! For those who are unfamiliar with JG, he is the inventor of the infamous 'Creature' bondage and suspension rig. As well as being an inventor, JG is also a kinky fiction author and has penned many wonderful books, some of which are available on Amazon.

Check out JG's massive website JG-Leathers.com. His website covers his interests, inventions, friends and his books. Eventually his books will become collector’s items. JG was a good friend of Jeff from The House of Gord, and over the years their friendship and collaboration spawned many unique and creative inventions. You can find other videos on this website featuring both Gwen and JG by searching their names in the upper-left search window.

An article highlighting Mistress Gwen's visit to SBI can be found HERE.

Also, click HERE for an article about JG, and click HERE for an article about JG's Creature, and click HERE for an article about a presentation that JG did on his Creature.

Additionally, click HERE for Part-1 of an article about Jeff Gord, and click HERE for Part-2.

The 4-part video in this update is in the Windows Media format. If you have problems playing the videos, try installing the free VLC Media Player. Enjoy!


GALLERY: 1746 / DATE: Aug 29 2023 / IMAGES: 45 / VIDEOS: 1

Many people fantasize about being tied up in a car or van. This is exactly what we did with ModeNarr when we drove two hours north of San Francisco to visit our friend's secret jail cell for the day. This jail cell and play room was way out in the sticks, far away from the nearest town. We rented a van and strapped ModeNarr in a straitjacket, ball gag and hood, then restrained him to the wall in the van. This was indeed serious bondage, and there was no way he could escape, which was exactly what he wanted.

We stopped along the way to buy some groceries, being careful to park on the far side of the parking lot where nobody could see our bound prisoner. However, little did we know that a passerby was able to look in the side door of the van and was shocked by seeing ModeNarr in the straitjacket and the scary canvas hood. They drove past and then called the police to report some kind of kidnapping. Unknowing what had happened, we drove out of the parking lot and onto a back road that headed into the hills. It wasn't long before three police cars we following us with their lights blinking. When we pulled over the cops asked us if anyone was in the back of the van. We said yes, and that we were shooting a bondage video. We opened the van doors and the police were shocked when the saw ModeNarr strapped and restrained. They wanted to talk to ModeNarr, and were further shocked when we pulled the hood off of ModeNarr only to see a big red ball in his mouth! We released ModeNarr and the cops interviewed him to make sure he wasn't being kidnapped, then told us that nobody can ride in the back of the van because it's not equipped with proper seats and seat belts, then let us go. Phew! Close call. I bet we made the day of the cops because they work a small town far away from a big city and aren't exposed to stuff like this. I briefly thought about filming the interaction with the cops for this video, but decided against it! Anyway, we all got a laugh out of it.

Once we arrived at the jail ModeNarr donned his latex and we restrained him in a rubber armbinder and nose hook in the jail cell. ModeNarr was in a very submissive mood so Mistress Susan tormented him, to his delight. ModeNarr really needed this sub time. Later on we strapped him to a wooden spanking horse where Dalton and Mistress Susan further tormented him with various implements including ice cubes. ModeNarr howled but loved every minute of it. This is an example of the fun that kinky people can have when they get together, especially in a remote location like this. All in all, everyone had a good time.

As a side note, the jail cell in this video was made by myself and our friend Martin of Cuff24.com. We spend a week building the jail cell in his garage in Los Angeles, then hauled it up to this remote location. What a job that was! You can read about it towards the bottom of this article about Martin titled The Master Of Metal.

WARNING - The vehicle bondage shown in this video is for entertainment purposes only. Do not use this video as a suggestion or guide for restraining someone in a vehicle. Bondage in a car, truck or van can be very dangerous. In an accident, passengers may be disabled and not able to free the restrained subject, and emergency responders may not be able to release the subject from their restraints in a timely manner. Accidents happen. Play safe.


GALLERY: 1734 / DATE: Aug 16 2023 / IMAGES: 99 / VIDEOS: 3

This update contains three videos from the archives featuring our friend Ashley Renee. These videos were shot ten or more years ago and include our video editor at the time Dalton Ott. Dalton was a big fan of Ashley and had a collection of bondage magazines which contained photo-sets of Ashley during her heyday before the Internet.

Ashley was the real deal. She told us many times that she really enjoyed being tied up. She was a true submissive and relished her role as a sexy and attractive damsel in distress. We shot many videos with Ashley in Los Angeles, which we posted on her website and ours.

Since these videos were shot Dalton has moved on, and I lost contact with Ashley. On more than one occasion Dalton said that as far as he could see, Ashley's big boobs were real. Dalton paid attention to this kind of detail.

I think we first got connected with Ashley through our friend Bob Zack who ran Gwen Media in Los Angeles. Gwen Media was an early adopter of the Internet with a fetish rubber pay website. At the time, websites like Gwen Media featured almost exclusively still photos. Distribution of video on the Internet was in its infancy with slow connections and the use of the RealVideo format. We shot stills with Ashley Renee at Gwen Media and shared the content between our websites. Also, during this early time in the mid 2000's, I was only running one website, SeriousBondage.com. Bob Zack contacted me and wanted me to link to Gwen Media through his affiliate program. A special thanks to Bob who was my first advertising client! Later, I created SeriousImages.com and then SeriousMaleBondage.com. Here are two articles on SeriousBondage.com. One is about Ashley written by Dalton Ott titled Meet Ashley Renee, and the second is an article Dalton wrote about himself sharing his exploration of bondage titled Long Strange Trip.

Ashley was a down-to-earth woman who wasn't full of herself. She was a genuinely nice person and a pleasure to hang out with. I hope Ashley is doing OK. We were of similar ages, and we are all getting older. Check out her website at AshleyRenee.com. You can find more videos of Ashley on this website by doing a search for the word 'Ashley' in the upper-right search window. The three videos in this update are in the old WindowsMedia format. If you have problems playing these videos, try installing the free VLC MediaPlayer. Enjoy!


GALLERY: 1732 / DATE: Aug 2 2023 / IMAGES: 138 / VIDEOS: 1

Elise and I have a kinky friend whose name on Fetlife is 'HotHardHat'. He is a heavy rubber and hazmat guy and owns lots of gear including an antique Iron Lung. There aren't many Iron Lungs around anymore. They were used to save the lives of people who had severe polio in the 1940's before the modern ventilator was invented. The Iron Lung works by compressing and releasing the patient's lungs with air pressure which allows them to breathe normally, which you are unable to do with severe polio.

Needless to say the Iron Lung is very attractive for kinky people to experience. In this video Elise Graves puts Jimmy USMC (or 'Heavy' on Fetlife and Twitter) into the Iron Lung while he's inside of an ultra-tight neck entry latex suit. His arms are pinned to his sides, and there is no escape. Elise connects a breathing system to his gasmask which directs his inhale through the bubbler bottle and his exhale to the rubber rebreather bag.

After Jimmy is fully enclosed in the Lung, Elise is free to apply her tormenting skills to his vulnerable and helpless body. As we all know, Elise loves to torment her friends once they are in bondage, and playing with Jimmy in this Iron Lung is no exception. The Lung has viewing windows and service ports which allow a caretaker to insert their hands into the chamber. So, by donning a pair of long rubber gloves, Elise can insert her arms through the ports and torment Jimmy's cock with a vibrator. How kinky is that? I don't think the manufacturer of the Lung ever imagined using their life-saving machine in this way. This is a unique and eye-popping video, not to be missed. A special thanks to Elise and Jimmy, and to HotHardHat (Fetlife) for inviting us to play with his Iron Lung. Also to StudioGum for the use of their special two-way bubbler bottle valve. Check out Elise’s website at BondageLiberation.com for more of her amazing videos.


GALLERY: 1743 / DATE: Aug 1 2023 / IMAGES: 24 / VIDEOS: 1

This is a fun video featuring DartTech and his friend Red August which we shot at NoEscapeDungeon in Las Vegas. DartTech loves to play with both E-stim and medical gear, such as the patient monitor used in this video. The fun thing about the patient monitor is that you can see the heart rate of Red August as she is tormented by Dart. Red is restrained in a steel bondage chair from ExtremeRestraints with her hands in helpless mitts and leather straps pinning her to the chair.

Wires from the patient monitor are attached to pads which are positioned to the front of Red's torso, and four more wires and pads run from the Estim to her thighs. Red is wearing a stiff leather posture collar and helpless mitts. Needless to say, during DartTech's special medical treatment Red isn't going anywhere.

The patient monitor makes a beep-beep sound which corresponds to the beats of Red's heart. Naturally the beep-beep sound speeds up as she's tormented by Dart. As we can see, Red is a good sport as Dart pokes and prods her with various instruments, finally using a vibrator directly on her pussy to achieve the largest reaction. Dart loves this kind of play, and which guy wouldn't? During the past few years Dart has started his own website DartTechStudios where you can find more of his unique videos. Check it out. Dart is part of the new generation of kinksters.


GALLERY: 1741 / DATE: Jul 4 2023 / IMAGES: 55 / VIDEOS: 1

This video features our friend Rachel Greyhound from BondageLife. Greyhound is a true submissive and lover of bondage. Women like Greyhound are few and far between. However, because of the Internet, both men and women are being exposed to the power of sexual helplessness and vulnerability through bondage. As you may notice in this video, Greyhound feels quite at home in her exposed spread-eagle predicament. She moans, struggles, and whimpers, which is an expression of her love of being rendered helpless. Many bondage lovers have a similar reaction including cooing, pouting, and crying. Bondage provides a temporary escape from our daily responsibilities and the chatter of our minds. Greyhound knows this well. Her experience can be emotionally transformative.

The setting of this video is inside one of three jail cells at EdgeDungeon. This facility is especially designed to satisfy bondage cravings. As you will see, the variety of chains, straps and padlocks used to restrain Greyhound amplify her helpless experience. Check out her website BondageLife.com for more of her eye-popping videos. Enjoy!


GALLERY: 1735 / DATE: Jun 3 2023 / IMAGES: 53 / VIDEOS: 1

Hey everyone, just a reminder that I'm working on moving this website to a new content management system which will accommodate different size display screens including mobile phone and tablets. The new website will be on-line later this year, so stay tuned!

The video in this update captures the magic of traveling with Elise Graves and meeting her fetish friends. Videos like this are rare, and it's my pleasure to share it with everyone. As you will see, this video is about pure fetish. Although most people don't usually admit their fetish attraction to 'things', social media has made it more popular and acceptable to embrace this seemingly unusual human response. I'm sure a psychologist could explain it. To explain further, many people are attracted to women's lingerie and high heels, but how many people are attracted to a heavy rubber suit or a severe medical neck brace? Both are fetish attractions. The prior fetish is more common and acceptable, and the latter is considered odd and bizarre. But society is changing.

We were in New York shooting videos with our friend HotHardHat (Fetlife), who happens to own a real Iron Lung. Bind from MenInChains was with us, along with Jimmy USMC (also known as 'Heavy') who also appears in this video. HotHardHat is quite a fetishist who enjoys heavy rubber suits, gas masks, hazmat suits, as well as playing in his Iron Lung. (I will post videos of his Iron Lung in a future video) Naturally, when kinksters like us get together, we take the time to share our gear we each other. That is what this video is about.

Personally, I love heavy rubber suits, and to see Elise in HotHardHat's MD Latex suit is a fantasy come true for me. I fantasize about wearing a heavy rubber suit myself and having sex with a woman who's enclosed in a similar rubber suit. Seeing Elise in the MD Latex suit might be as close as I get to fulfilling this fantasy. In any case, it's sure fun to watch Elise as she gets used to wearing this 4mm suit. Don't confuse this suit with a neoprene SCUBA dive suit or a heavy rubber dry diving suit. They are not the same. This suit is made of natural non-chlorinated latex, so it retains the intoxicating organic smell of the rubber. This is one of the special attributes of natural rubber. Natural rubber is made from the sap of rubber trees, not from petroleum products. The main producers of natural rubber are Thailand, Indonesia, and China.

You can develop a fetish attraction to the smell of natural rubber. It also has a unique feel that is erotic and sexual. This is why so many people are attracted to wearing tight-fitting rubber as for fashion. Taken further, many people fetishize heavier rubber suits, gasmasks, and gloves. Ultimately some people are attracted to being locked in a 4mm ultra-heavy rubber suit like the one in this video. Once the rubber is this thick it's overpowering and impossible to escape from.

The other gear featured in this video are rubber hoods. The amber hood is from StudioGum and is made with a dipping process rather than glued seams. The thin black hood with the pin-hole eyes, nose and mouth is a glued mask. The medical neck traction device is an off-the-shelf item. Notice that when the neck traction device is combined with the rubber hoods it turns the experience into a strange, erotic, fetish experience! Fun!


GALLERY: 1736 / DATE: May 15 2023 / IMAGES: 28 / VIDEOS: 1

Leave it to our friend Mistress Alice to conduct one of the more unusual bondage scenes we have seen. With assistance from her friend Evangeline, Mistress Alice first locks her submissive Sissy Amy in a suspended metal stock. This stock is from Martin at RigidCuff and is exactly the bondage device needed for this scene.

Next Alice inserts an expanding 'pear' butt plug into Sissy Amy. This mind-blowing device is a copy of a medieval 'Pear of Anguish' which was inserted into the mouth, vagina or rectum to mutilate the victim. The medieval devices were rather crude, whereas the pear Alice is using is a well-made, deluxe, sleek, and easily sterilized unit. I think it was originally purchased from MEO.de, but nowadays everyone seems to be selling a cheap knock-off from China. Buyer beware.

In any case, Alice then attaches chains to a pair of rigid metal posts which are anchored to the floor, one in front of Sissy Amy and the other behind her. The chains are then attached to Sissy Amy's SteelWerks chastity device and the expanding pear butt-plug. As a result, Sissy Amy's cock and ass are securely locked between rigid steel polls! If Alice were to release Sissy Amy from her neck and wrist stocks, she would continue standing in the same position, unable to escape. She can't move forward or back, can't make any sudden moves, can't sit down, and can't jerk off. This bondage setup is far more serious than a single chain from either her chastity or butt-plug.

Unbelievable. Once Sissy Amy was fully secured, we couldn't believe what we were seeing. You should probably watch this video instead of reading my description.

Over the years we shot a few more videos of chains locked to expanding butt-plugs. A special thanks to Mistress Alice, Evangeline, and Sissy Amy for creating this highly unusual scene. For more videos of Mistress Alice visit her website at AliceInBondageLand.com. The rigid metal stock is from Cuff24.com, the expanding butt-plug is from MEO.de, and Sissy's chastity device is from Steelwerks Extreme. Enjoy!


GALLERY: 900 / DATE: May 5 2023 / IMAGES: 4 / VIDEOS: 1

Years ago, we visited Doctor Mad Max, or Maxcita, in Ottawa Canada. Our group consisted of Mistress Amanda Wildefyre and her friend Hudson, Dalton Ott, and me. We were at Max's place for 5 days, and during that time we filmed Amanda and Hudson doing a lot of crazy play. Max had a playroom and lots of gear. Max's favorite theme for the playroom was a morgue. I'm not quite sure where he got this idea, but he tried to simulate a morgue by installing stainless steel on the walls and in his 'morgue fridge'.

Since this 'fridge' was hard to film in, we hung the video camera overhead and tried to capture Amanda and Max's partner Suni playing with Hudson. Hudson was zipped inside of a latex sleepsack with a inflatable Russian gas-mask hood over his head.

Although this video isn't perfect quality, you can experience and enjoy Amanda's unique style of topping which has made her such a popular Mistress. Amanda enjoys what she does, and in addition she's a real 'gearhead'. I'm a gearhead too, and I really appreciate working with Amanda and sharing our passion for kinky gear. As an example, in this video Amanda uses a StudioGum 'Sniff Penis' dildo attached to Hudson's gasmask with a rubber hose. You see, the dildo has small holes which allow the scent from Amanda's pussy to enter the dildo. As Amanda rubs the Sniff Penis against her clit and inserts it into her pussy, her intimate female scent travels down the rubber hose and into Hudson's gasmask. As a result, Hudson is forced to inhale the sexual scent of the Mistress without having any of the associated sexual gratification. This keeps Hudson hot and horny with no chance of orgasm release. This also enhances his feeling of helplessness and submission. Ah, Amanda is such a tease! Is this kinky or what? This is a perfect example of Amanda's 'gearhead' interests.

We shot a number of videos during our visit to Maxcita which you can find on this website by doing a search for the word 'Amanda' in the upper-left search window.

I hope you enjoy this snapshot of Mistress Amanda Wildefyre in action. Check out her website at AmandaWildefyre.com and book a session with this world-famous Mistress. NOTE - this video is in the old Windows Media format and is best viewed on the free VLC Media Player. Enjoy!


GALLERY: 1733 / DATE: Apr 15 2023 / IMAGES: 124 / VIDEOS: 3

This update features 3 videos from the archives of the popular bondage model Ashley Renee in 2009. For those who may not recognize the name, Ashley was a very popular magazine bondage model before the Internet. She posed for famous adult magazines like Penthouse, Playboy, etc. We were very excited that she agreed to shoot with us, so we spent a lot of time driving back and forth between San Francisco and Los Angeles where she lived and worked. Ashley once told us that she started as a traditional porn model. Her girlfriend suggested that she might enjoy doing bondage modeling. Ashley did one bondage shoot and became hooked because it fit her personality as a natural submissive. She never looked back.

Ashley is a warm and caring person, and isn't full of herself. She's quite down to earth. She was game for almost any bondage gear we threw at her. The only thing she shied away from was fiberglass casting, so we never did any with her. Now that I think about it, we could have eased her into casting a little bit at a time. But that was back around 2009 and we have all moved on with our lives. I'm currently 67. I think Ashley and I were of similar ages. I haven't talked to her in years. By the way, here's a great article on SeriousBondage.com titled Meet Ashley Renee which features a video interview clip with Ashley, done by Dalton Ott. Check it out!

The 3 videos in this update are titled 'Martins Bondage Chair', 'Metal Shackles', and 'Rope Bondage'. At the time we shot with Ashley I had a business partner by the scene name of Dalton Ott. Dalton was mesmerized by Ashley, and he had to keep pinching himself to keep from passing out. Dalton wrote this about the first video:

"This was the very first time I had worked with Ashley. It was a bit awkward tying women on camera, especially Ashley. She put a shot of energy into the scene by jerking her wrist from my hand as I tried to lock it into a cuff. Resistance play is my favorite and really gets my juices flowing. Having an aching erection always relieves my nervousness. This inspired me to cut her panties off and use them to stretch her clamped labia lips to the frame of the chair. This is still my favorite scene with Ashley."

"Ashley is a popular bondage model who's experienced with just about every kind of restraint you can imagine. In this fun video, Ashley is restrained in our friend Martin's RigidCuff bondage chair, and as you can see, this chair was designed to make the most intimate parts of Ashley available to everyone."

The second video in this update was shot at DungeonCorp and features Ashley chained to the top of a wooden box. We traveled with our own bondage gear because most of the bondage studios in Los Angeles didn't have a good selection of gear. I like how the red ball gag completely fills Ashley Renee's mouth. The ball gag fits perfectly, and the strap is pulled tight behind her head to hold the gag tightly in place. She's is unable to scream or call for help, and how she ended up in this helpless position, I don't know. Where did her clothes go? All she's left with is her sexy white lingerie. Someone chained her down to the top of this wooden box and left her in this warehouse where we found her. I'm just thankful that they did.

Her metal shackles are heavy and quite restrictive. She's collared, belted, and her wrists and ankles are linked with chains to rings on the side of the box. She struggles and pulls against her shackles. She looks so lovely and inviting in her stockings and silk panties. however, she seems a bit distressed. Is Ashley is putting on a show for us? Maybe. She wiggles her boobs and hips so nicely. Is she teasing us? Ashley is easy on the eyes.

The third video in this update was also shot at DungeonCorp. Sometimes bondage can be focused on making someone sexually vulnerable and exposed, and if you're a heterosexual male, it's usually about exposing and having access to a woman's pussy. Lets be frank, bondage porn is about control and sex. In this video Ashley Renee was tied up with rope by the popular bondage domme Julie Simone. Julie's skills with rope are well honed.

In no time at all Ashley was lassoed and strung up from overhead, exposing her sexy boobs and pussy. Naturally, Ashley was wearing a skimpy latex skirt, top, and sexy thigh-high black boots. She looked really hot, and she knew it. As you may know, Ashley gets the juices flowing of most males (including myself). And what it it about those thigh-high black boots anyway? For some reason women's black boots just scream out SEX! Personally, I've been mesmerized by women's thigh-high boots since I was a kid. Clearly, tall black boots still have the same effect on men all over the world or women wouldn't wear them!

Once Simone had Ashley gagged and secured in multiple places, she was able to turn her upside down. This position exposed her sexy pussy, and transform her into a true damsel in distress. Poor Ashley is caught up in a rope spider web as Simone manipulates her into various positions. Ashley is like a marionette on strings. The truth be told, both of these women love dressing in sexy latex and being in front of the camera. I hope you enjoy this video as much as I do.

A special thanks to Ashley, Julie Simone, and Dungeon Corp for the use of their Los Angeles studio. The metal bondage cuffs, collar and belt are from DungeonDelights.com. Check out Ashley's website at AshleyRenee.com. The three videos in this update are in the old Windows Media format. If you have a problem playing these videos, try installing the free VLC Media Player. Don't forget to look at the 120+ still images! Enjoy!


GALLERY: 1725 / DATE: Apr 7 2023 / IMAGES: 62 / VIDEOS: 1

This is a classic video featuring Elise Graves and Tony Orlando, and a unique device from Germany called 'Spreader Pants' from BestFixSystems.de. This device has been shown a few times on this website and SeriousMaleBondage.com, but it's so kinky that we need to show it again. Besides, Tony had been asking to try it out. I think the spreader pants got its start in the adult baby and diaper scene but has since expanded to appear on bondage and kink websites. It is certainly a unique kinky piece of gear. Additionally, we discovered that combining the spreader pants with a Maxcita straitjacket creates an even more bizarre predicament. But if that's not enough, Elise added a BlackStyle heavy rubber hood with built-in rubber gag.

As you see, the spreader pants include a dildo which can be used as a butt-plug, or vagina plug for females. Naturally, once Tony was secured in this gear his cock responded immediately. If I was in his position my cock would respond the same way. Imagine how kinky it feels to be helpless in a straitjacket, with your legs forced wide apart and a dildo forced up your ass? Not to mention being under the control of a beautiful woman like Elise? Where do I sign up?

And just when you thought that it couldn't get any more bizarre, Elise brings out a vibrator and a set of stainless-steel sounds for probing Tony's cock. Using the appropriate size sound, Elise inserts it into the head of Tony's cock. The sound disappears into his cock and eventually into his body. I have never tried a sound, but it must be quite a unique feeling. The weight of the sound almost allows it to slide in on its own. As you will see, Elise enjoys her control over Tony, and Tony certainly enjoys her kinky attention and stimulation. This is a rather bizarre video - but it's also quite fantastic. Enjoy!


GALLERY: 1731 / DATE: Mar 15 2023 / IMAGES: 161 / VIDEOS: 1

For anyone who knows Mistress Alice, they know how creative she is when making up things to talk about when she's playing with one of her submissives. Such is the case in this vintage video from our archives. This is a fun little video which captures Alice when she's 'in the groove'.

This video was shot in 2013 during the heyday of the SeriousBondage Institute. The kitty cat in this video is our German friend ModeNarr who visited us quite often. He had acquired a wonderful and thick latex kitty cat hood which Alice took an immediate liking to. ModeNarr couldn't show his face in our videos, but it didn't make any difference because he was wearing the kitty hood.

Alice wrapped ModeNarr to a vertical pole in our studio, then triple-wrapped him in pallet wrap, then red duct tape, then leopard print tape. By the time Mistress Alice was finished her kitty was completely secured to the pole with no chance of escape. This is good because Alice said the kitty was scratching the furniture. Kitty was wearing a metal chastity device which had been covered up by all the wrapping, so Alice used scissors to cut a hole in the tape and gain access to kitty's cock. My now kitty was going crazy, so a strict posture collar had to be put around his neck to keep him from biting.

Once kitty's cock was released from the chastity device Mistress Alice used a Hitachi vibrator to stimulate his private parts. It wasn't long before kitty came all over the head of the vibrator. Immediately the kitty became docile and meowed with affection which was a complete turnaround from his previous aggressive behavior. No wonder Mistress Alice had to restrain the kitty so completely! A special thanks to Mistress Alice and ModeNarr for showing us how to treat an unruly house pet! Note - this video was shot with an old DV camera, so the image is smaller and not quite as sharp.


GALLERY: 1730 / DATE: Mar 1 2023 / IMAGES: 53 / VIDEOS: 1

This is a cute little video we shot years ago with Mistress Kitty and our German friend ModeNarr. First, let me say that I have a fetish for women's boots, which is why I show Mistress Kitty's boots more than once. I'm a heterosexual switch, meaning I' into women and I don't mind switching between being a Top or Bottom. I'm probably a 66-40, meaning I'm 60 percent bottom and 40% top, but those numbers may vary from day to day. I only wish that when I was younger, I would have asked the women who I dated to wear boots. I never had the nerve.

In any case, ModeNarr is muzzled and straitjacketed, and strapped into a police restraint chair we got from Squirm at RubberZone.com. I built a frame for the chair including a Lazy Susan which allowed the chair to rotate freely. Once ModeNarr was fully restrained in the chair, Kitty laced ballet shoes on his feet and our rigger Dalton used wide leather straps to raise his feet up and off the floor, so he had no traction. He was completely helpless and under the control of Kitty. It wasn't long before Kitty brought out an old Hitachi vibrator and stimulated his cock until he came. I don't think Kitty knew he came until she saw the cum seeping through his red spandex. ModeNarr was super sensitive and could cum quickly and easily.

I should look up Mistress Kitty, I think she's on FetLife under that name. She looked wonderful in her red boots and corset. I love scenes like this which use a lot of bondage and fetish gear, especially thigh-high, spiked-heel, patent-leather, red boots. Enjoy!


GALLERY: 1729 / DATE: Feb 16 2023 / IMAGES: 58 / VIDEOS: 1

Hey everyone, just a reminder that I'm working on moving this website to a new content management system which will accommodate different size display screens including mobile phone and tablets. The new website system won't be online until fall of this year.

This is a fun video from the archives which has been re-captured from DV tape, edited and encoded in mp4, which makes the quality much better. Slowly, I'm re-capturing the older content on DV tapes and making it available on this site. There are literally hundreds of DV tapes which haven't been seen before, so stay tuned! I'm a one-man shop so it takes a while for these things to happen.

This video features our friend Mistress Susan, our German friend ModeNarr, and our rigger Dalton Ott. When this video was shot our friend ModeNarr was working in Silicon Valley, having been sent from Germany to live in the US for a few years. Silicon Valley is close to San Francisco, so ModeNarr looked us up and came for a visit. ModeNarr is kinky as they come and as a result we shot a lot of videos of him. Although he's a big German guy, he's mostly submissive. He would visit us at the drop of a hat and we had good times together.

During this visit Dalton chained him to the wall in our gear room, and encouraged Mistress Susan to work him over. I think the main motivator for ModeNarr was a female top, bondage, and a nose clamp and attached chain which encouraged him to behave. Mistress Susan was an aspiring domme, and was sometimes hesitant to take full control of her subjects. However, as you will see in this video, a good time was had by all. This video is a snapshot of how real people come together for kink play and how fun it can be. Enjoy!


GALLERY: 1728 / DATE: Feb 1 2023 / IMAGES: 59 / VIDEOS: 1

This video is so well titled. It features Elise Graves and her friend Ruckus playing with rubber cocooning. I always warn people who are new to rubber play that they should be cautious because natural latex rubber can be quite addicting. Most people don't know that if you have an orgasm while wearing heavy latex rubber you can acquire a fetish addiction to the rubber. Your brain will associate the smell and feel of natural rubber with sexual gratification, and from then on you will feel the need to have rubber as part of your play in order to cum.

During this video you will see the exact rubber addiction process happening to Ruckus. Elise Graves cocoons him in layers of fetish rubber including a pin-hole rubber hood, amber gas-mask and StudioGum bubbler bottle. Additionally, since Elise Graves is controlling his sexual gratification she can tease and prolong his orgasm to provide him a heightened sexual experience. I must admit, this bizarre procedure looks mighty attractive to me. I'm already an extreme rubber and bondage fetishist, and being under the control of Elise and her skillful stimulation takes this play scene over the top!


GALLERY: 1727 / DATE: Jan 21 2023 / IMAGES: 142 / VIDEOS: 3

The videos in this update featuring a young kinky couple who visited us years ago. The boy in this video is a young Tony Orlando who is now a porn star and works with Kink.com. His girlfriend came with him, but I forgot her her name. Tony has brought many of his girlfriends to visit us and play, and I only wish that when I was younger, I had the nerve to invite my girlfriends to play bondage games with me. Instead, I was shy, and in the closet about my bondage interests. Even today, having directed and shot thousands of bondage scenes I'm still shy about expressing my desires. C'est la vie...

There are three short videos in this update. The first video is titled 'Round One' and features Tony's girlfriend trying out a brand-new leather straitjacket from Mr S. My business partner at the time was Dalton, who assists in the straitjacket process. One thing leads to another and before we know it Tony's girlfriend has stripped down to her panties, wearing thigh-high leather boots, and suspended off the floor in the straitjacket. Then comes an ankle spreader bar, ball gag and blindfold from Sinvention. Tony's eyes keep getting bigger and bigger, and finally he steps in to torment his helpless girlfriend with a vibrator. It's a beautiful thing. Tony didn't own as much gear at the time, but I would like to think that his early experiences with us helped to mold his kinky skills as a video star!

In the second video, the young couple switches and Tony gets strapped into a Maxcita canvas sleepsack and Sinvention isolation hood. My partner Dalton was a great rigger and had created a rig which allowed the sleepsack to be suspend from overhead. In addition, the rig included four heavy garage door springs which gave the sleepsack a smooth and floating feeling. Lastly, the rig was suspended from a rock-climbing ball-bearing swivel which allowed the sleepsack to rotate freely and effortlessly. As you will see, this crazy Rube Goldberg system provided a way for Tony to relax and float in space, and when combined with the foam plugs in his ears he was in bondage nirvana. Tony was in sexual nirvana as well when his girlfriend straddled his helpless torso, pulled out his cock, and used a vibrator to further his meditative experience. This isolation setup is great by itself, but having this beautiful young woman playing with your cock makes it complete.

The final video shows Tony's girlfriend is in a red rubber skirt, red leggings and black heels. Dalton locks her into a set of polished 5-way shackles from China. The video abruptly ends, I'm not sure what happened there. In any case, the next scene shows both of them in our underground deck cell. Tony is in a black rubber catsuit and his wrists are restrained to the cement walls with a pair of unique Clejuso grabber cuffs. Both of them are wearing Israeli gas-masks and breathing through rubber hoses. At one point Tony's girlfriend takes the end of his hose and holds it to her pussy so Tony can enjoy her sexual scent. How kinky is that?

All in all, everyone had a fun afternoon playing with our bondage and fetish gear. Years have passed now, and I recently filmed Tony in a set of red wooden stocks with Elise Graves. Tony is doing well and is kinky as ever. The videos in this update are in the old Windows Media format. If you have problems playing these videos, try installing the free VLC Media Player. Enjoy!


GALLERY: 1726 / DATE: Jan 6 2023 / IMAGES: 148 / VIDEOS: 6

When this website first started in the early 2000's there were not as many fetish manufactures as there are now. This is primarily due to the expansion of technology, the Internet and social media. Along the way we had the opportunity to visit and interview some of these businesses who were early adopters of the Web. This update is a collection of videos we filmed while visiting manufactures in Canada including Polymorphe, Kink Engineering and Northbound Leather. We also visited Maxita in Ottawa Canada, but those videos stand by themselves and can be found by searching for the keyword 'maxcita' in the upper-left search window.

The first video in this update features the latex manufacturer Polymorphe in Montreal, and it's owner Mario Bouchard. In this video Elise Graves, Chris from SteelWerks (also located in Montreal) and I get a behind-the-scenes tour of Phlymorphe on the weekend when the staff was not around. You will see the size of Mario's operation and what it takes to be a serious player in latex manufacturing. The highlight of our tour was when Elise demonstrated a prototype of an expanding 'Pussy Shield' that Mario was working on. Unbelievable! And Elise was unbelievable as well.

The second video is a behind-the-scenes tour of Northbound Leather in Toronto by the owner George Giaouris. George was very gracious and spent a few hours showing us his entire operation. Both Mario from Polymorphe and George started their businesses from scratch and have worked many years to build their products to a notable level of international popularity. George shows us the leather working patterns, tooling and sewing machines used to manufacturer high quality garments and products. Included was a giant leather press called a 'Clicker'. If your business owns a Clicker machine you know you've made it to the top!

The third video in this update features a visit to Kink Engineering in Toronto. At the time we shot this video, the owners Matt and Marika spent the afternoon showing us around and demonstrating a few of their Vac products. This was during the early days of their business when they were working out of their apartment. At the time we shot this video Marika didn't want to show her face. Many years have passed, and during that time Matt passed away and Marika decided to continue the business on her own. Since that time her business has grown in both breadth and popularity and I'm sure she has moved into a bigger space by now. We haven't talked to her in a long time but I hear the Kink Engineering name come up in latex circles, so I know she's doing well. I believe that Kink Engineering was solely responsible for raising the world-wide popularity of the VacRack and VacCube. They were able to lower the manufacturing and shipping costs so more people could afford to buy one. Cool!

The last video in this update is a much earlier visit to Mario at Polymorphe. The special part in this video is when Mario shows us his new and highly unique rubber pony hoods. These hoods have been on the market for a while now, but it was cool to see them in early production at Polymorphe. The one thing that Mario did not show us in both the newer video above and this older video was his liquid rubber dipping room. This is where he manufacturers his custom color sheet latex and the black molded hoods. All the manufacturers of sheet latex and molded latex hoods do not show their special liquid latex sheeting and dipping processes.

A special thanks to Mario at Polymorphe, George at Northbound and Marika at Kink Engineering for their tours and interviews. Some of the videos in this update are in the older Windows Media format. If you have a problem playing these videos, try installing the free VLC Media Player. Enjoy


GALLERY: 1642 / DATE: Dec 18 2022 / IMAGES: 70 / VIDEOS: 2

These are two fun videos from the archives which we shot years ago, featuring Oliver and Sissa Hyde from MedicalToys.com. During this period, we had shot many videos with the owners of Medical Toys Dr Sebastian Wood and Nurse Mary. Everyone who worked at Medical Toys were kinky and a lot of fun to hang out with.

Sissa and Oliver had brought some gear with them from Medical Toys to use in our videos. The gear included a selection of medical tools like forceps, a Wartenberg Wheel, nipple clamps, dental gag and canvas straitjacket. They also brought a wonderful tan leather muzzle and blindfold which matched the Humane Restraints we were using on Sissa.

In the first video we strapped Sissa to a four-post metal frame with our leather Humane Restraints. These leather restraints were used extensively in medical institutions, however, today the same restraints are made of Polyurethane which is easier to clean. The leather restraints are still available for purchase. Once we have Sissa fully restrained, her partner Oliver goes to work tormenting her with the tools at hand. Poor Sissa thrashes about, whimpering and screaming as her private parts are exploited. Clearly, these two vixens play together all the time. At some point Nurse Oliver removes her own black corset and panties, leaving her strutting about the room in only her thigh-high black boots. Hot! With the addition of a leather strap, Sissa's head is pulled back to she can't look down to see what Oliver is doing. At this point Nurse Oliver goes after Sissa's clit with a Hitachi vibrator.

In the second video Sissa is strapped into the canvas straitjacket and restrained again to the metal frame. Nurse Oliver uses her 'BlueBall Beaters' to torment Sissa's exposed ass and crotch. As a final procedure, Oliver uses a pair of rubber-padded forceps to open her patient's pussy so oral stimulation can be applied. As the saying goes, girls will be girls!

A special thanks to Oliver and Sissa, and to Medical Toys for supplying the fun toys. Visit the Medical Toys website at MedicalToys.com. The two videos in this update are in the old WindowsMedia format, so the image quality isn't very good. If you have problems playing these videos, try installing the free VLC Media Player. Enjoy!
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